OK, I realize this blog has seriously suffered since the weather became warmer. The past few weeks have also thrown some obstacles my way, but what better way to cope than to get caught up in a great book! Our book club is reading Commencement for our next meeting, and so far I'm a fan. The book, by J. Courtney Sullivan follows the lives of four girls who met and become best friends in college. The book takes place 4-5 years after college with flashbacks of their wilder days. It explores the complexities and many uncertainties we all face transitioning into the "real world." They each struggle with the different things that life throws at us- sometimes life changing things that determine our future course. In doing so, as a reader, you begin to think about your on life choices, how they brought you where you are, where they might take you in the future, and how true friendships can last through the worst of it all. I had a little trouble at first remembering who each character was, as each chapter is told from the voice of a different girl. But after a bit, it becomes easier to follow and I found myself even relating to a certain character and being reminded of other friends in the others.
I'm a little over halfway through this book and I'm already longing for a reunion with my old college roommates and friends from back home :)