So I'm back from my NYC trip and let me tell you, it was a blast! I always have a great time when I'm there, and then have to pay for my lack of sleep when I get home. So although I've been home since Tuesday, I've been completely exhausted. I'm just taking a quick break to update this blog. I'll have a further recap of NYC events soon.
For now, I am just trying to get back into my routine. I am halfway through Water for Elephants, which is turning out to be a better book than I'd originally imagined. But no more talk on that until its done.
On a completely random thought on this Thursday, I'd like to share a little bit of advice. A few months ago, I found about this email you can sign up for, where you receive "Notes from the Universe" - I found it on a blog I used to read, thought it was fun, and signed up. So each weekday morning I receive one of these little notes. They're fun and usually put a smile on your face to start your day. Here's one I received a while back, that I've saved b/c I think it makes a lot of sense, and is something we should remind ourselves of daily:
"Whatever it is you want, however you want to have it, no matter why you want to have it, you can have it faster if you can first be happy without it."
"Desire and happiness, need not be mutually exclusive; they actually work best together."
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