Happy World Oceans Day! I honestly didn't even know it was World Oceans Day until I opened my gmail this morning and found the latest from Oceana, an environmental advocacy group I get updates from. Nor did I realize that World Oceans Day was proposed by the Canadian government in 1992 and has been unofficially celebrated every year - until 2009 when the United Nations chose to officially recognize June 8 as World Oceans Day each year.
The day provides "an opportunity each year to celebrate our world ocean and our personal connection to the sea." This year's theme is "one ocean, one climate, one future." As with the rest of the environment, our oceans are are need of as much help as we can provide. So to help promote the ocean conservation message, the Ocean Project is urging ocean lovers to Wear Blue and Tell Two.
An addition to wearing something blue (easy, I didn't it without knowing today!) they encourage us to tell people two things they likely don't know about our ocean and how they can help. So here are two random facts for you:
1. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, coral reefs support more specifies per unit area than any other marine environment.
2. According to the UN approximately 2/3 of ocean species are overfished, and many types of ocean farming are highly damaging to coastal environments. A study in the journal Science projected that, without a change, the populations of all wild fish species currently caught will collapse by the year 2050.
And I'll even bring this full circle by recommending a book for all you ocean lovers out there - there is a Chicken Soup for the Ocean Lover's Soul, to help you reconnect with the magic of the ocean.
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