April is rushing out on a rainy note here in DC. I still can't believe it is the last day of April. Where did this month go? But I'm looking forward to May, warmer temperatures (though please not in the 90s yet!) and days spent at the pool. I'm really looking forward to this summer. I'm not sure how long I will stay in the DC metro area, but the spring/summer is definitely my favorite part of the year here. I want to soak up every moment, in case I do find myself elsewhere come next summer.
Last night I walked from my house to meet up with a friend for a late happy hour. Armed with my umbrella I started the 20 minute walk to my destination, hoping my IPOD would keep me entertained. But I walked on a different side of the street than I usually do and noticed the most interesting things - an all female martial arts class, a lovely looking ice cream/gelato store, a Santa Claus look alike on a bike who almost ran me over. Just little things I never notice in my usual rush to work or home.
Even though I've walked up and down that street countless times, this time I had nothing on my mind and actually paid attention to these little simple things (Ok Santa Claus bike man was a little abrupt). But I think we sometimes take for granted the little pleasures we can get out of the simplest things. I hope to embrace that more here this summer.
Photo Credit: BBC News