Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Marilyn's Chamber of Secrets

Last night I went to trivia night at my neighborhood bar. The trivia was pretty intense, but the best part of the night was making a name for our team. Apparently the MC for the night gives a "theme" on which to base your team name, and the best team name wins a prize. This particular week the name was supposed to be based off Marilyn Chambers, a porn star from the 70s who died yesterday. I dug deep down into my creative wit and came up with Marilyn's Chamber of Secrets. Who knew I'd somehow be able to tie my Harry Potter obsession into real life! 

Unfortunately my team not only lost the team name contest to I Hate When She Just Lies There (OK, a little raunchy for trivia night,  but lets consider the theme here), we didn't fare too well in the SEVEN rounds of trivia either. But, I did learn some random, useless info about Ms. Chambers as a result. In fact, she even tried to run for vice president of the US - there's some random trivia for you!
Other inventive team names:
  • Somali Pirates - really no relation to the theme, but still in good fun
  • Barack Obama is a bitch for not coming to the Nats Home Opener  - I wonder if he came if the would still be winless?
  • At least when the Nats lose they aren't shot in the head (the Nats lost yet another game as trivia was about to begin)
  • You can take the porn star out of the trailer park, but bring the body bag (that was just wrong lol)
  • Knock Knock Knockin' on Heaven's Green Door - Marilyn's famous for her role in Behind the Green Door
(There were about 30 teams, so this is just a sampling. Next time I'll write down the good names!)


  1. Trivia night sounds great! I always love when things are themed (even though I didnt know who Marilyn Chambers was until now). By the way, I was just looking at the small apartment contest the other day! People sure think of super creative things.

  2. I can't wait till I can come to trivia night!!!
