Did you know that April is National Poetry Month? Neither did I, until I remembered I needed to come up with a theme for my volunteer reading last night. I went to the library and they had tons of children's poetry books already pulled and ready for the taking. I was brought back to my childhood when I saw Shel Silverstein's A Light in the Attic. I remember loving those books! Remember those wacky drawings? I found a great activity for the kids to do after reading, showed up at the shelter...and no kids came! It was a little disappointing because no kids showed up the month before either.
Despite my disappointment in not getting to share the poems and activities with the kids, I figured someone should be reminded of the wonderful, wistful and often touching works of Silverstein. So, for your reading pleasure, I give you "Eight Balloons". This poems just makes me happy :)
Eight Balloons
Eight balloons no one was buyin'
All broke loose one afternoon.
Eight balloons with strings a-flyin'
Free to do what they wanted to.
One flew up to touch the sun - POP!
One thought highways might be fun - POP!
One took a nap in a cactus pile - POP!
One stayed to play with a careless child - POP!
One tried to taste some bacon fryin' - POP!
One fell in love with a porcupine - POP!
One looked close in a crocodile's mouth - POP!
One sat around 'til his air ran out - WHOOSH!
Eight balloons no one was buyin'-
They broke loose and away they flew,
Free to float and free to fly
And free to pop where they wanted to.
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